Dec 7, 2003 18:07:13 GMT -5
Post by Telemar on Dec 7, 2003 18:07:13 GMT -5
Hi, First of all I will ask who has or has played on LOTR: The Two Towers game(any format), if they have I was wondering if anyone knew whether the two swords Legolas has will be avaible as a primary weapon, as I want to be a Megiltura Elf (Swordsmaster)
Dec 7, 2003 18:40:29 GMT -5
Post by FrenzyofElves on Dec 7, 2003 18:40:29 GMT -5
I've played it; but they haven't announced any weapons really, just the obvious ones (sword, bow, axe, pipe , etc.). At least, not to my knowledge, they haven't announced which weapons will be available, and which won't.
Dec 14, 2003 8:04:02 GMT -5
Post by elvensword on Dec 14, 2003 8:04:02 GMT -5
I think that there will be an absolutley HUGE selection of weapons because its middle earth, and all races had their own many forms of weaponry. And by the way, Legolas has two daggers, not two swords.
Dec 14, 2003 16:14:30 GMT -5
Post by h on Dec 14, 2003 16:14:30 GMT -5
Can Hobbit's use their feet ;D,
Well Dual-Weilding is a certain, as a Dev said in your thread on MEO Forums. Why have "exactly" the same swords/daggers the Legolas has? Yeah and there will be endless variations of weapons with crafting.
Dec 16, 2003 15:00:03 GMT -5
Post by Telemar on Dec 16, 2003 15:00:03 GMT -5
Yeah, I dont want exacly the same ones. The blades he is weilding in the game look to long to be daggers by the way.
Dec 16, 2003 15:35:34 GMT -5
Post by elvensword on Dec 16, 2003 15:35:34 GMT -5
err yeah, hence the name "DAGGERS"
Dec 17, 2003 14:42:45 GMT -5
Post by Imbeglín Oronrá on Dec 17, 2003 14:42:45 GMT -5
I'll post this to stop any arguments, even though there probably won't be any....
Legolas's melee weapons were daggers/knives. Yes, they were long but that doesn't mean they couldn't be daggers...
End. ;D
Dec 17, 2003 15:25:58 GMT -5
Post by Telemar on Dec 17, 2003 15:25:58 GMT -5
ok, I'll stop, i only played the game for about 10 minutes, sorry. But my question was can you have double wielded swords, not daggers.
Dec 17, 2003 15:58:35 GMT -5
Post by h on Dec 17, 2003 15:58:35 GMT -5
Quote from a Dev: Oh and everyone likes dual weilding . End Quote. There will most definatly be dual weilding as it is most RPG's, even though somtimes only a certain class can.
Dec 18, 2003 12:08:20 GMT -5
Post by elvensword on Dec 18, 2003 12:08:20 GMT -5
My weapon equipment will probaly consist of: 1)Two quiter long daggers/knives in the back of my quiver 2)A large two handed elven blade which can be held by a leather scabbard on my back, or just not in a scabbard 3)A Galadrim bow
Dec 18, 2003 15:45:03 GMT -5
Post by Telemar on Dec 18, 2003 15:45:03 GMT -5
My weapons will consist of
1) Two Long, slightly curved blades (samuri sword like) 2) A Galadrim or any other decent bow 3) a belt with holsters for short 5 inch throwing daggers, about 6, three above each thigh (I doubt number three will be avaible and if not then just one or two throwing knifes)
Dec 18, 2003 17:43:29 GMT -5
Post by h on Dec 18, 2003 17:43:29 GMT -5
Negative on scabbards I am afraid. When you sheath your sword, it will just disapear into your backpack, but who knows, maybe it could be included in some sort of smaller expansion?
Dec 19, 2003 14:59:53 GMT -5
Post by elvensword on Dec 19, 2003 14:59:53 GMT -5
ok, who needs scabbards anyway.
Dec 21, 2003 4:37:27 GMT -5
Post by Perweth on Dec 21, 2003 4:37:27 GMT -5
What about the bow, coz if you couldnt see it on your back and suddenly you grab a long bow out of your backpack it would look kinda stupid
Dec 21, 2003 10:16:38 GMT -5
Post by elvensword on Dec 21, 2003 10:16:38 GMT -5
I heard from the DEVs that you will have alyers and yoor quiver of arrows will deplete and you will notice it and see your bow and sword even when you are not using them. They are going to put an amazing amount of deatail into this project.